Thursday 23 July 2015


Be inspired day 2.

It is very easy to feel down when faced by severe challenges or when success can not be easily seen in view but it is better to stay inspired in order to keep one's head up. When stuggle comes in in tons, it requires a solid and well defined vision to keep moving. A man who can see beyond the normal range of human vision will not be broken down by his struggles but will stay fully inspired by the vision he has received and the potential deposited in him.

Life tends to put us down sometimes, but we have choice whether to stay down or to stand up. When life puts you down, stay glued to the vision you have got for the future and watch things change for you.
When things around you are not worthwhile and beautiful things are not forth coming, instead of feeling as if all hope is lost, be fully aware of your vision and this will help you know that the current situation around you is nothing but a stepping stone to what the future holds for you.

To be fully inspired everyday by your vision when things are down, you need to develop a mindset of winner who believe in victory even when in serious defeat and you need to be strong enough to look beyond the hard days so as to hope for a better tomorrow.

Are you feeling down today? Stand up, get a pen, write down your visions for tomorrow and stay inspired by them.

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