Sunday 26 July 2015


Be inspired Day 5

Have you ever wondered what it takes to succeed? Have you ever considered the right thing you need to do to make success a friend and not an allien? Have you ever thought of the rules you need to obey for you to have the right result in Life? The truth is there are no basic rules to success in Life, but there are habits that can position you at the right place, the right time and right moment for success. These habits are numerous but for today's article, i will be talking about one of the most important habits of success "The Give your Best Habit"

It is easy to settle down for less, it is also easy to give less effort to what is required of someone in a particular thing, task or job but the greatest is to give one's best. Giving your best in everything you do have a way of preparing someone for a greater day. Since no one is sure of which day will bring the most anticipated result, giving one's best becomes something that is required everyday.
There is a popular quote that says you miss every shot you do not take, adding to the quote, i would say you miss every shot you fail to give your best in.

To give ones best is not the habit that is required from all but from those who prefer to have the best from life. In this world, those who are strong enough to believe that this world need them are those who give their best. They are those who believe that witholding a little of one's best from the task could affect the outcome, they are those who see the world from the perspective of "Only the best species give the best efforts"

When the habit of giving your best becomes ingrained in your system, you become a carrier of success and things will always work out as if it is a default setting. To succeed in life need more than just dreaming and working towards the dream, it requires putting all efforts available. The only thing that distinguish a winner in a Race is the little more effort applied other than that of others. It is always easy to stand with the crowd and compromise easily in order to settle for less but it takes someone special to stand out and keep his or her head up.

This world will soon run out of great species if we all fail to always put in our best in everything we do, mother nature will blame us someday if we all sit, watch and settle for less when we ought to explore more and put our abilities beyond the limit. Good is not so good enough, better is not that better until it could be best. Where have you found yourself in the pursuit of life? Which race of life are you in now? Give your best in all.

Photo Credit: stocksnap

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