Thursday 27 August 2015


Inspire me day 12

The world is made in such way that we are all connected to each other in one way or the other, either by blood, social ties,friendship or by living together in a society or in this world. One way or the other, we need one other to make things around us better. It is a known fact that no man can be an island, you cannot stand alone and choose not to be involved or interested in others this is because the ONE Divine has connected us together in a way that a solution needed by one to his or her problem is embedded in the ideas or help of others.

This interconnectivity that exists between humans makes it difficult to be able to achieve success without the need for other people. It makes success something that requires more of a complementary actions and becoming more successful a high task in being able to effectively collaborate with others.

It is possible to succeed by chance and with the less effort from others but to create a sustainable success that leads to success chains requires helping others to be successful. I know many people who loves to do their own solo thing might not agree with this view but the truth is helping other people achieve their goals will help in one way or the other to create more success for someone. A Chinese proverb said “ if your dream is for a year, plant flowers, if they are for a decade, plant trees but if they are for a lifetime, plant people”, this shows that growing as you help other people grow in their dreams will not only make you successful but it will make you to have a lifetime success and a distinctive achievements to talk about even when you are gone.

When you help others to achieve their goals, your success have chances to grow using geometric progression. This is because, the people you have helped will in one way or the other contributes back to your success and thus maintaining success becomes easy. There are many old organizations that folded up not because they ran out of ideas or good products but because they fail to help the younger generation who could have help sustains the legacy of such organization. The effect of your success on your society will easily be felt when you spread the success around and build others. 

When you are able to allow other people to use your template of success to create one for themselves, you will not only become an icon of success but you will also be able to pass through time and leave the evidence of your passage. When you inspire others to achieve their dreams, when you help others to accomplish their goals and make something out of life, your success becomes a living legend.

To be more successful by helping others achieve their goals, you need to see others as complementary rather than competitive. You have to be able to collaborate more with people to help them rather than compete all the time with them. Healthy competition is required but give room for super collaborations that will not only help you achieve your dreams alone but also give room for others to reach theirs too.

Don’t just succeed, help others to success, don’t just get to the top alone, help others go along with you. Do not be an island of success that seems difficult to be reached or approached rather turn yourself to an ocean of success where people can get theirs from. In so doing, you will be able to create a sustainable success that can stand the test of time. Help and inspire someone today.

Image credit: stocksnap

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