Tuesday 18 August 2015


Inspire me day 7

We all love to be free, we love to live in an utopian world where everything desired is achievable, we all love to have a life full of endless possibilities and enjoy life to the fullest without anything holding us down. But, what happens when the life you are living is not what you planned for nor dream of? What happens when freedom becomes oppression and liberty is exchanged for bondage or suppression? What happens when just a thing or two keep holding you down and dragging you back from getting to your desired level in life?  Will you stay down, oppressed, suppressed, locked or break free? Will you let it keep holding you down or fight for your liberty? If you will choose liberty, breaking free from everything holding you down, then this article is for you.

How do you break free from things holding you down?


Know what is holding you down (Put a face on it)

Knowing what is holding you down and being able to define it properly without deceiving yourself will lead you into understanding how to break free. You have to put a face on what keep dragging you down, you have to know your demon. You need to put a face on it because a faceless enemy cannot be fought with, that is like fighting with the wind. Knowing what is dragging you down is knowing the main thing behind your lack of freedom. You cannot win a battle when you do not know whom you are waging war with. Knowing your battle might guarantee you a potential victory. Are you a student looking for admission with no beautiful outcome yet? You might need to look back and check what might be holding you back; could it be that incomplete grade or you do not meet up with the requirement set by the school of your choice? You have to ask yourself series of questions to understand what is holding you down from moving on to the next phase. Are you a worker who is held back from promotion at the office? Maybe something might be missing somewhere, do a critical check up about your activities in the office, your attitude to work, the requirement for the promotion or other possible things that could be responsible.


Understand why it is holding you down?

When you have been able to put a face on it, the next step is to understand why such thing is holding you down. Could it be because of your nonchalant attitudes? Inability to connect with a particular person that could be of help? Could it be born out of your negative attitudes, perception or a belief system? Understanding what is holding you down could help you realize why such thing keep dragging you back and this will enable you to go to the next stage of breaking free which is taking action.


Take Actions

Since you have been able to put a face on it and you have been able to understand why such thing is holding you down, the next thing to do is to take action. Some people when they are fully aware of what is keeping them at the same spot, might refuse to take action due to fear, insecurity or being contented with the present situation. But, if you have acknowledge that you truly need to break free then, all you need to do is to take action towards breaking free. Is it that you need to swallow your pride and make a phone call that will turn things around? Is it an exam that you need to write? Go ahead and write it, do you need to join an association full of great intellects and positive people to break free? Just go ahead and take that beautiful step that will launch you to your breaking free. Your action might also involve the need to commune with the one divine for way out.


Follow up

Taking that bold step is not enough because you still need to follow up your actions with required responsibilities and duties. Is it academy breakthrough you need? Follow up with creative study and hardwork. Is it promotion you need? Follow up doing the right thing expected of you in the office, do more productive work to increase the productivity of your company, get along with new people in the office, be good to co-workers, stay optimistic and table your matter with the one divine (If you are the religious type). Following up your action will not let those actions you have taken to die down but it will sustain your actions till you break free. (Note: The follow up discussed in this article is not in the form of bribe or going through crooked means to break free)


Be expectant and stay optimistic

If your actions are rightly taken and your follow up done properly, your chances of breakthrough should be high. But in order to be at peace at the outcome of your actions and follow up, be expectant and stay optimistic to keep you on track without giving up till you are able to break free. If you are not expectant, you might not be able to break free so stay optimistic and expect positive outcome.

Have you experienced a breakthrough from something majorly holding you down? Share your story with us under comment. Thanks. 

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