Saturday 25 July 2015


Be Inspired Day 4

So many things that life has taught me that at the point that you want to give up, that is the point you need to put more energy. Success is not just by running but running with WILL, everyone have reasons why we pursue one thing or the other, but when we run without will, we soon come to a stop this is because we feel there is no reason to continue the running. Our WILL have the power to push us up when we will rather want to stay down because when there is a WILL there is absolutely a way. 

          Giving up is easy when you do not easily get what you deserve or plan but when there is a WILL, instead of giving up, it will be easy to stand up and get going again. There are 1001 reasons why you would want to give up in the pursuit of your dreams and aspirations but the question is would you give up or rather stand up? Does this thing happening now enough to cause you to give up on your aspirations? Will you stop or keep going? These all depends on how powerful your WILL is. 

           At the point of life at which you want to give up, there will always be a little voice of hope in you that will keep on telling you that keep moving, a little more step, a little more strike, you are almost there. Never try to give up. Do not give up on yourself, your dream, your aspirations or your creator because there is a purpose for your creation, you are not just a product of circumstances; you were born to achieve a particular purpose.

          Though there is a time you get to a point that everything seems abnormal, obnoxious, not too good, you do not feel too smart, what I want you to know is that at this point is when little more effort is needed to push through and in the twinkling of an eye, you will get to where you ought to be. If you try more, you will soon get yourself what you ought to have. The world is not meant for the dreamers alone but dreamers who won’t give up on their dreams. Success is meant for those who can see beyond normal range of human vision, who will see a clear cloud waiting at the end of a storm that seems unending, someone who believes beyond any unpleasant circumstances surrounding them. 

           When your eyes compel you to stop, your WILL definitely should compel you to keep walking even when your brain does not understand the directions. To keep standing up and keep moving when one ought to give up, it takes listening to the small still voice of hope inside. If everything dies in you, this voice of hope must not die because it is what you need to keep going when normally you need to give up the running. You really need to stand up, do not give up but hold on for help is on the way.

          You will never get any reward for doing so much but giving up at almost the turning point for success this is because nobody gives the crown to a quitter but a winner. Believe me, whosoever tell you that the world is easy is just lying but never give up because the world is cruel, because you feel you are not smart enough or circumstances is compelling you to give up. Never allow circumstances to dictate for your life, a little more step you will soon get there, little more try, you will soon achieve your dreams.

          I'm not so sure if this little piece of mine today is enough to gear you up back on track but I do know that we all can achieve our DREAMS if we won’t give up on our WILL to do so. If you find yourself to lack the will you need to keep going, try to rely upon the little inner voice of hope in you. Never let go of this voice, it is the true sense of you, it is what you need to get to where you are going. Life itself is not fair, but with GOD on our sides, we could say we dare. 

Feel free to comment on this if it has helped you in any way. THANKS. 

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