Monday 17 August 2015


Be Inspired Day 6.

Ever got stuck in answering a simple question like “who are you?” or have you ever been in a situation where question like “can you tell me who you are in simple language?” becomes a very hard question to answer. This happens often because identity is of great importance. It is always easy to fail such a test question because many fight with the definition of their identity. Today, they will wish to be like a well known model and tomorrow, they will want to be another person they feel is higher than them. Many have failed to pause and ask “who am I”. In this life, most of the problem people often encounter comes from the problem of identity and inability to understand who they are, what they can do, their capabilities, their weaknesses, strength, boundary, E.t.c. They tend to think it is possible to assume the identity of anything.

So, how can one get to understand his or her true identity?  Someone once said “in the world where you can be anything, the best to be is to be yourself” This is the purest truth when it comes to how to understand ones true identity. This is because there can be no other better version of you, the best you can be is you and trying to be someone else cannot help you reach your optimum potential. You should only aspire to be better than your yesterday and not to excuse yourself from your identity to assume someone else identity. When you were born, the DNA that runs in you comes with the original version of your characteristics and that distinguish you from someone who does not have the same DNA with you. This means only you can be you. So do not go around being confused of your personality so you can boldly distinguish yourself in the race of life.

Understanding your identity means staying true to your real you so that you will not get confused or get manipulated by people’s definition of you. To understand that you are the only you and you cannot be someone else means taking responsibilities for the characteristics that comes with your true self. This will make you to be better always and not to stay behind mask disguising and deceiving yourself. When you understand the real you, you will come to realize that it is only you who can think and act like you and this will lead you into appreciating yourself as a distinct personality.

People should not be the one to define you; you should be able to know yourself better than anyone else. When you leave the definition of your true self at the mercy of people, they will define you base on their need of you, the need to manipulate you, confuse, rule and use you. They will define you based on what you want to hear and their own perception of you and not tell you the truth about the REAL you.

Understanding your true self will enable you to harness your potentials based on how you are to use them to make something great out of them and to profit in life and not to fake up potentials that are not yours. It will help lead you to self discovery where you will be in your own league, doing well for yourself without having to compete with someone. Understanding who you are will give birth to believing in yourself because you would have understood how to use your strength to your advantage and how to turn around your weaknesses into something better.

When you are able to successfully answer the question “who am I?” without fooling yourself, you have already won the first battle towards climbing the ladder of success. This is because successful people are people who have come to understand themselves and have learnt to live with the discovery, appreciating every little detail about themselves without any atom of competition with other successful ones.

Understanding yourself will give room for developing your knowledge, wisdom, understanding and your own world view about everything because you would have known what work best for you and those that does not work for you no matter the effort you put into them.

But when you fail to understand yourself, you will send yourself on an endless journey of no fulfillment where you keep on searching the universe to understand the real you. If you have accepted your true self, every little thing you do will come with higher level of fulfillment and you will be able to stay at peace with yourself.

To achieve the status of truly knowing who you are, you just need to stay true with your own identity and be able to answer the question who am I? successfully without deceiving yourself. 

Do you know who you are? Do you believe you understand yourself pretty much? Let us hear your opinion on this article under comment. Thanks 

Image Credit: stocksnap

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