Saturday 22 August 2015


Inspire me day 11

Success most time comes with a feeling of increase in self-esteem; it comes with ability to take pride in our achievement, possession or self accomplishment, such feeling is okay but when it is allowed to overwhelm us, it might turn into a kind of pride that can kill success.

Having proper sense of own value is an acceptable thing but when such becomes more than necessary, it might allow pride to set in. pride can set in when one become highly successful and start seeing him/herself as more favorable and blessed than other. When you begin to place more emphasis on your success rather than focusing on how to use that success to affect those people you feel you are superior to, you might be paving way for pride.

Knowing your worth and having a desired level of self-esteem should in no way be likened to pride. Self esteem is appreciating yourself for who you are and knowing the things you worth without the need to explain yourself. But, when you tend to become full of yourself to the extent that you hardly see others as contributors to your success and you see them as insignificant, you might be allowing pride in.

So, how can pride kill your success?

It will shift your attention from the need for more dedication to more glorification.

It can make you less attractive and less reachable to people who want to collaborate with you.

This is because it is often difficult to work with others as a team when you are full of yourself. So when pride set in, it becomes hard to collaborate with others.

It might affect your productivity.

Since you are now focusing more on SELF and you are losing collaboration with people, your level of productivity will decline.

You might end up losing lot of opportunities to create more successes.

Since you are dwelling more on self and it is possible you may belittle people that might want to bring more opportunities for you, chances are you might end up losing some of these opportunities and your ability to create more successes tend to reduce. Mind you, I am not saying taking pride in your beautiful work, your achievement, or precious things you have acquired is bad but I am of the opinion that too much of pride is dangerous to the health of your success.

So, instead of allowing pride to kill your success, embrace more humility, dedication and gratitude in order to be launched into timeless and sustainable success.

Image credit: Stocksnap

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