Wednesday 19 August 2015


Inspire me day 8

The life you have is the greatest gift that can ever be given to you, the way you live it will determine the reward you get from it. The life given to you is like a jewel, it is a precious gift that needs to be protected with high level of care. Your life was not given to you to be lived based on trials and errors but to affect your generation and be a blessing to people around you. It is meant to be guarded with care and jealousy.  When you live your life based on principles that will positively affect your generation, at the end of each phase of your life, you will be able to boldly say you have lived a proper and well fulfilled life.

Your life is precious, it is a gift from above, one of your responsibilities as a living being is to live and not just live but live right. When you are given a precious gift, you do everything in your power to protect it and use to obtain optimum value from it. Such is applicable to the gift of life too. To obtain the best out of life, you have to live it to get the best out of it.

To protect the gracious gift of life means to live right and do things that add values to you always. Values are things that will determine the quality of life you live and absence of this in one’s life could lead to living an unfulfilled life. When you embrace right virtues and gracious values, your life becomes a symbol of grace and beauty but when one’s life is full of vices, the fulfilling part of life might be absent.

Your life is precious and this means nothing you have been through should make you look down on yourself but rather give thanks believing that your circumstance will not break you but make you. Your circumstance or your struggles se not meant to define you because your life is not born out of mistakes but out of necessity for nature to have someone like you that could change his or her world for good.

When you know and understand well what it cost the one divine to give you your precious life, you will learn to do thing s that help you guard your life with all diligence rather than do things that subtract values from your life. No matter what you are experiencing now, your life still remains precious and there are 1001 reasons why you need to protect it so that your quality of life will not depreciate.

It is normal thing to feel down when confronted with some challenges in life but it is not normal to do thing that will affect the values and virtues that make your life precious in order to turn your situations around. Your life is a jewel, it is meant to be treated like one. Do not live a life that will have no impact or leave no footprint when you are gone, do not walk through time without leaving the evidence of your passage.

To receive more blessings from the one divine and from Mother Nature requires treating its first gift in your hand with care and proper attitudes. To enjoy more benefits life has to offer implies concentrating your life on doing things that will not only affect your world but the world at large. 

Life is not just meant to be lived, it is meant to be lived right. Your life is precious, protect it. Want to share your thought with us on this post? Leave a comment. 

Image Credit: stocksnap

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