Friday 21 August 2015


Inspire me day 10.
Every human being on mother earth was born as a distinct individual with peculiar traits, characteristics and features but as time goes on, the environment we live in do compel some people to start thinking they are not good enough in their own original form thereby they feel there is need to pattern their life according to someone else’s life all in the name of trying to impress people around them and to meet up with expectation from the society.

When all were born, each individual was born to live a life of expression but many die as impressionists, they care so much about what people will say about them, what people will do if they set out their life expressing it in the best way they can. In today’s post, I will be talking about life of expressionism and impressionism.

Impressionist life is a life fashioned after living to meet up with people’s view of you, their perception and their expectations. It is a life full of running in order to let people see you based on how they want to see you. Many people go a long way to do things that are not convenient just to impress others and this easily sucks out the power of creativity in them because it is difficult to be creative when you are constantly working on appearing based on standards set for you by others.

Expressionist life on the other hand is that type of life in which everything you do is born out of need to express your world to people around you, your society and the world at large. It is the kind of life where you do things not because you want to be noticed but because those things are to be done. It is that kind of life where you do not decide to put your best into everything you do just to get honored and be praised but all because you just want to do your best and you believe what is worth doing is worth doing well.

In my own view, choosing the kind of life to live would mean choosing expressionism over impressionism this is because expressionism makes one real, it makes someone not to run into frustration trying to meet up with people’s expectations. I would choose expressionism because if the whole world is blind, there will be no one to impress and choosing to live one’s life based on doing things in the best way one can, will be more fulfilling than trying to meet up with people’s expectations always.

Expressing your life may not earn you everything you want from life neither will impressionism too but the former will make you to be more fulfilled in every little thing you have. It will make your life beautiful based on the contentment that comes with everything you do and not based on fulfilling every expectation of the society from you.

Assuming you are to give account of your life today, I am pretty sure that no one will ask you about how many people you impressed but the question will be how well have you expressed your life? Expressionism will bring to your world opportunities to stay true to your identity because since you are not looking for acceptance from people but you are only looking for a way to live your life in the best way you can.

So, live your life, express it to the fullest and remember that people that love you and are willing to add values to your life will never expect you to impress them rather to EXPRESS your world to them. 

Image credit: stocksnap

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