Thursday 20 August 2015


Weakness is said to be lack of strength or determination, it is lack of will or power to reach a goal, achieve something or get better with life. Weaknesses are character flaws, unfavorable part of someone’s character that can keep you from your goals and achievement if you fail to handle or control them. They are weak points that can easily suck you out of your will power; they can damage the good works being done by the best of your character when not controlled.

Weaknesses are flaws that are easily frowned at by people, bosses and corporations because they are seen as things that could endanger productivity. But, looking at weaknesses from the positive side, it can turn out to the something you need to even turn things around for good if you know how to manipulate your weaknesses to become strength. This is achievable when your weaknesses are protected from being opened and not making you a victim always so that people will not be able to use them against you.

So, how can you turn your weakness to strength?


Know your weakness

It is the thing you know that you will be able to control or handled. Being truthful with yourself about your weakness will help you to understand how to handle it. Do not run away from responsibilities that arise from your weak points, do not shy away or feel awkward when people point out those weak areas of your characters rather embrace it and in doing so, you will be able to understand what it takes to control it.

Appreciate your weaknesses

There is no human being on earth who does not have a character flaw; the way it is being handled is what defines us. Everyone does have a cross or two to carry but what makes us look better before others is how we manage to carry our own. Those weaknesses of yours might be someone's strength so appreciate it and the more you work on them, the more you will be able to get better on them. When you appreciate the fact that those weaknesses are there, it will no longer serve as a problem but as a check and balance on your character. They are not there to mar you but to make you stay on check so that you will not go around feeling like a superhuman that has no flaw.

Know that your weakness makes you human

You are human and not angel, your weakness is a proof that you are a mortal being and not immortal. Therefore, instead of being scared of those weaknesses, turn them around into something positive and make something great out of them. Let say you love to talk and you are such a talkative that cannot just stop talking and people know you for this, instead of just going around doing useless talks, turn yourself into an orator or inspirational speaker. In that way, you have been able to turn your weakness to passion and strength. Another example, if you are the type that loves to play video games, you can go ahead and learn programming, 3D and animation and then become a game developer.

Work on it

Do not just admit that those weaknesses are there; be able to know what to do to help yourself to make them better flaws. Be sure to work on it every day and give yourself credit each day you get better on them. List those weaknesses out and and and write out methods you would use in working on them and then pick them one after the other and knock them off gradually.

Looking at your weakness from the positive side rather than being negative about them will also help you to easily turn them into strength and make them the better side of your character rather than allowing them to stay as flaws and overshadow your unique strength. Your weaknesses are not things to be frowned at but to be embraced and worked on.

Have you worked on a weakness recently and you have been able to turn it around for your good? Share your story with us under comment. Thanks.

Image credit: stocksnap

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