Thursday 27 August 2015


Inspire me day 12

The world is made in such way that we are all connected to each other in one way or the other, either by blood, social ties,friendship or by living together in a society or in this world. One way or the other, we need one other to make things around us better. It is a known fact that no man can be an island, you cannot stand alone and choose not to be involved or interested in others this is because the ONE Divine has connected us together in a way that a solution needed by one to his or her problem is embedded in the ideas or help of others.

This interconnectivity that exists between humans makes it difficult to be able to achieve success without the need for other people. It makes success something that requires more of a complementary actions and becoming more successful a high task in being able to effectively collaborate with others.

Saturday 22 August 2015


Inspire me day 11

Success most time comes with a feeling of increase in self-esteem; it comes with ability to take pride in our achievement, possession or self accomplishment, such feeling is okay but when it is allowed to overwhelm us, it might turn into a kind of pride that can kill success.

Having proper sense of own value is an acceptable thing but when such becomes more than necessary, it might allow pride to set in. pride can set in when one become highly successful and start seeing him/herself as more favorable and blessed than other. When you begin to place more emphasis on your success rather than focusing on how to use that success to affect those people you feel you are superior to, you might be paving way for pride.

Knowing your worth and having a desired level of self-esteem should in no way be likened to pride. Self esteem is appreciating yourself for who you are and knowing the things you worth without the need to explain yourself. But, when you tend to become full of yourself to the extent that you hardly see others as contributors to your success and you see them as insignificant, you might be allowing pride in.

Friday 21 August 2015


Inspire me day 10.
Every human being on mother earth was born as a distinct individual with peculiar traits, characteristics and features but as time goes on, the environment we live in do compel some people to start thinking they are not good enough in their own original form thereby they feel there is need to pattern their life according to someone else’s life all in the name of trying to impress people around them and to meet up with expectation from the society.

When all were born, each individual was born to live a life of expression but many die as impressionists, they care so much about what people will say about them, what people will do if they set out their life expressing it in the best way they can. In today’s post, I will be talking about life of expressionism and impressionism.

Impressionist life is a life fashioned after living to meet up with people’s view of you, their perception and their expectations. It is a life full of running in order to let people see you based on how they want to see you. Many people go a long way to do things that are not convenient just to impress others and this easily sucks out the power of creativity in them because it is difficult to be creative when you are constantly working on appearing based on standards set for you by others.

Thursday 20 August 2015


Weakness is said to be lack of strength or determination, it is lack of will or power to reach a goal, achieve something or get better with life. Weaknesses are character flaws, unfavorable part of someone’s character that can keep you from your goals and achievement if you fail to handle or control them. They are weak points that can easily suck you out of your will power; they can damage the good works being done by the best of your character when not controlled.

Weaknesses are flaws that are easily frowned at by people, bosses and corporations because they are seen as things that could endanger productivity. But, looking at weaknesses from the positive side, it can turn out to the something you need to even turn things around for good if you know how to manipulate your weaknesses to become strength. This is achievable when your weaknesses are protected from being opened and not making you a victim always so that people will not be able to use them against you.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Inspire me day 8

The life you have is the greatest gift that can ever be given to you, the way you live it will determine the reward you get from it. The life given to you is like a jewel, it is a precious gift that needs to be protected with high level of care. Your life was not given to you to be lived based on trials and errors but to affect your generation and be a blessing to people around you. It is meant to be guarded with care and jealousy.  When you live your life based on principles that will positively affect your generation, at the end of each phase of your life, you will be able to boldly say you have lived a proper and well fulfilled life.

Your life is precious, it is a gift from above, one of your responsibilities as a living being is to live and not just live but live right. When you are given a precious gift, you do everything in your power to protect it and use to obtain optimum value from it. Such is applicable to the gift of life too. To obtain the best out of life, you have to live it to get the best out of it.

Tuesday 18 August 2015


Inspire me day 7

We all love to be free, we love to live in an utopian world where everything desired is achievable, we all love to have a life full of endless possibilities and enjoy life to the fullest without anything holding us down. But, what happens when the life you are living is not what you planned for nor dream of? What happens when freedom becomes oppression and liberty is exchanged for bondage or suppression? What happens when just a thing or two keep holding you down and dragging you back from getting to your desired level in life?  Will you stay down, oppressed, suppressed, locked or break free? Will you let it keep holding you down or fight for your liberty? If you will choose liberty, breaking free from everything holding you down, then this article is for you.

Monday 17 August 2015


Be Inspired Day 6.

Ever got stuck in answering a simple question like “who are you?” or have you ever been in a situation where question like “can you tell me who you are in simple language?” becomes a very hard question to answer. This happens often because identity is of great importance. It is always easy to fail such a test question because many fight with the definition of their identity. Today, they will wish to be like a well known model and tomorrow, they will want to be another person they feel is higher than them. Many have failed to pause and ask “who am I”. In this life, most of the problem people often encounter comes from the problem of identity and inability to understand who they are, what they can do, their capabilities, their weaknesses, strength, boundary, E.t.c. They tend to think it is possible to assume the identity of anything.